National Film Award winning actress Purnima, who is an established name in the world of Bangla cinema, has been on a long four-year hiatus from the film industry. The actress last appeared in the movie titled ‘Lobhe Paap, Paap e Mrittu’, where she acted opposite Riaz and Amin Khan. DhakaLive has news that the popular actress is now set to make her comeback with the film titled ‘Bandho Darja’, which will be directed by actor Shahriar Nazim Joy. The actress has recently signed an agreement for working in the film. The story of ‘Bandho Darja’ will be centred on autistic children. Regarding her new project, Purnima said, “I guess I owe it all to Shahriar Nazim Joy, who made arrangements for me to be part of the film in a convenient way. Due to my commitment to my child, it is impossible to give time to film. Yes, I have done one or two telefilms because that requires just a couple of days of shooting, not long stretches of shooting that is required for a film. For this project, the shooting will take place in short phases; hence, I will be able to take part in it in a comfortable way.”
She spoke about how the decision came about returning to do a film, “During a shooting of a drama serial titled ‘Love Celebration’ directed by Masud Sejan, I went to Sylhet, and there Shahriar Nazim Joy and I first spoke about the film. I was very impressed and liked the story of the film, and that's why, agreed to take part in it. I was worried and asked if I had to do the long stretch of shooting, which would be a problem, but he assured that I did not need to and made it convenient that I could work in it.”
To note, for her amazing performance in ‘Ora Amake Bhalo Hathe Dilona’, Purnima earned the National Film Award for best actress in 2010. She is currently awaiting the release of her yet another film ‘Chhaya’ directed by Mustafa Kamal Raj. l
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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