Popular model-actress Tania Brishti, who has been working simultaneously in different television commercials, tele-dramas and cinemas since she stepped into showbiz, has worked under the direction of Khalid Hossain Shamrat for the first time. Though she has worked with several notable directors in her career, the opportunity of working with yet another talented director like Shamrat, who is a son of Nayak Raj famed legendary actor Razzak, did not come to the actress’ court. DhakaLive has news that Tania has recently acted under the direction of Shamrat in the tele-drama titled ‘Bhayangkar Ek Chutir Din’. Written by Rana Zakaria, the shooting of this tele-drama was already completed in Pubail on the outskirts of the capital. However, due to some recent changes, the shooting will take place again today in the same location. Other casts of the tele-drama include Rashed Mamun Apu, Saif Khan, among others.
Director Khalid Hossain Samrat seemed hopeful about the tele-drama, “I feel that ‘Bhayangkar Ek Chutir Din’ is one such story with which the viewers will fall in love. I can say that after a long time, I have worked in a very challenging project through this tele-drama. This is the first time that Tania has worked under my direction and she has done a great work in her acting. The viewers will certainly be impressed by her acting in this tele-drama.”
Tania Brishti shared the experience of the work, “By working under the direction of Khalid Hossain Samrat, I got to learn a lot more about acting. He is a very talented individual and I am definitely impressed by his work. In the tele-drama, I have played as a model named Mila. Khalid Hossain Shamrat really encouraged and inspired me to go deep into the character I was portraying. I am very satisfied working in this project.” To note, Shamrat received immense praise for his direction as well as acting for the telefilm ‘Daaybhar’. Tania-acted three drama serials ‘Samadhan’, ‘Samrat’ and ‘Mon Theke Dure Noy’ are being aired on various television channels. The tele-drama will soon be aired on Channel i. Photo Courtesy: Mohsin Ahmed
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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