Thirty one Bangladeshi women, including three children, returned home from India on Wednesday after languishing in jail there for three years. They hail from different villages of Khulna, Narail, Bagerhat and Satkhira districts. Indian Border Security Force (BSF) handed them over to Bangladesh authorities through Benapole check post in the evening, said officer-in-charge of Benapole immigration police Omar Sharif.
The returnees were handed over to the officials of Bangladesh Jatiyo Mohila Ainjibi Samity Jessore branch who will take the victims to their family members, said OC Omar Sharif. Camp commander of BGB’s Benapole international check post (ICP) Abdul Wahab said all the 31 women and children had gone to India illegally in search of jobs three years back. Later, they were arrested from Maharashtra and sent to jail.