Mehazabien Chowdhury and singer-actor Tahsan have paired up again for an Eid special tele-drama titled ‘Porinoti’ directed by Imraul Rafat. The duo had earlier acted for the same director in tele-drama ‘Priyotomeshu’ that pocketed positive feedbacks from the audience after being aired two years ago. This time around, the duo is acting under the same director. In ‘Porinoti’, Mehazabien plays the role of Trina while Tahsan will appear as Jiyad. Sabbir Chowdhury and Russell Alam have jointly produced the tele-drama.
The story of the drama shows Trina and Jiyad having a love affair. They get married with their parents’ consent and live a happy family life. However, problems arise in their family when Jiyad is diagnosed with a complex disease and starts losing his memories.
The plot intenmsifies when Jiyad goes missing and family members fail to trace him anywhere. Thus the story moves forward.
Producer Sabbir Chowdhury said, “I first produced ‘Priyotomeshu’ with Tahsan and Mehazabien. The drama was very much appreciated by the audience. This time, on the occasion of Eid, I am producing another tele-drama with the duo.”
“Imraul Rafat is one of my favourite directors. He made the tele-drama with utmost care. I hope the audience will not feel bored while watching the drama,” Sabbir added.
Besides Tahsan and Mehazabien, the drama also casts Omar, Fakhrul Basar Masum, Rezaul Amin Suzon and Rani Habiba.
Producer Sabbir Chowdury informed that ‘Porinoti’ will be aired on Banglavision during