POST TIME: 17 May, 2017 00:00 00 AM
NGOs help raise awareness on legal rights, says study

NGOs help raise awareness on legal rights, says study

Recently released research by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) of the United Kingdom concluded that NGOs have helped improve justice in Bangladesh and huge numbers of Bangladeshis are now aware of existing legal rights and remedies, and their interactions with the justice system have become fairer as a result of a recent five-year Community Legal Services (CLS) Programme, a project funded with UK aid from the UK government, says a press release. In the study, ODI stated that “NGOs can improve the quality of justice processes through providing timely, clear and respectful support to disputants and can help disputants secure a fairer outcome of their case. But, the researchers also called for greater sustained follow-up and broader social and economic support to women facing violence.  The research found that “CLS has contributed to some attitudinal change around access to justice.” They also recommended a longer project time frame and broader project mandate to support long term sustainable change.