The National Fisheries Week-2015 began in different districts yesterday, with a call to boost fish production to ensure food security in the country.
In Panchagarh, district administration and fisheries department jointly organised a rally and discussion meeting. The rally brought out from district administration office premises paraded different roads of the town. Later, a discussion meeting was held at auditorium hall room where additional deputy commissioner (ADC) of Panchagarh Shamsul Azam attended the meeting as the chief guest.
In Gaibandha, a discussion meeting was held at the auditorium of Zila Parisad with acting deputy commissioner and additional deputy commissioner (General) Abu Bakar Siddique in the chair, reports BSS.
Whip Mahabub Ara Gini addressed the meeting as the chief guest and police super M. Ashraful Islam and acting Sadar upazila nirbahi officer M. Mustafizur Rahman were present as the special guests.
The whip stressed the need for raising fish production in the open water bodies of the country to meet the protein deficiency and alleviate poverty and generate employment.
Referring to the immense prospect of the fisheries sector she said fish production could easily be increased to a great extent with the best use of existing natural resources.
In Pirojpur, district administration and fisheries department arranged a discussion meeting at Pirojpur Shilpokawla auditorium in the morning. At the programme, AKMA Awal, ruling party lawmaker from Pirojpur constituency-1, was present as the chief guest where Md Walid Hossain, superintendent of police (SP) was present as the special guest. Md Manikhar Rahman, additional deputy commissioner (ADC-General) presided over the meeting.
In Natore, a colorful procession with the slogan ‘Sagor Nodi Sokol Jole, Mach Chashe Sona Fole’ was brought out from Natore district collectorate premises, which paraded the main roads of the area and ended at sadar upazila campus. The district fisheries office and district administration jointly chalked out various programme to observe the fisheries week. Led by Administrator Zila Parishad freedom fighter Advocate Md.Sajedur Rahman Khan, government officers, fishermen and journalists took part in the procession. A discussion meeting was held at sadar upazila parishad auditorium, which was presided over by district fisheries officer Md Rezaul Karim, while Administrator of Zila Parishad freedom fighter Advocate Md. Sajedur Rahman Khan attended the programme as chief guest.
In Jamalpur, the week was observed with elaborate programmes on Monday. A discussion meeting was arranged at the District Shilpakala Academy auditorium in the town.
Speakers at the meeting said due to implementation of various projects in the sector fish production in the country has increased to a great extent. They said if the development programme continues this country will be enriched with fish resource.
Chaired by District Fisheries Officer, Ranjit Kumar Paul, the meeting was addressed among others by Additional Deputy Commi-ssioner (Rev), Zahurul Islam Khan, Additional Superintendent of Police, Mohammad Shariful Haque and AL leader Syed Atiqur Rahman Chhana. In the meeting, the Fisheries Department also handed over crests and certificates to the three successful fish cultivators -Olilur Rahman in Islampur upazila, Salah Uddin in Dewanganj upazila and Md Abu Taher in Madarganj upazila of the district.
In Meherpur, to mark the week a colourful rally was brought out in the town, led by Prof Forhad Hossain, MP, from Shilpokola Academy premises. After the rally a lively discussion was held at the conference room of the collectorate building with Hemayet Hossain, Acting Deputy Commissioner in the chair. Legislator Prof. Forhad Hossain attended as the chief guest. Ahmar Uzzaman, Additional Police Super, Sheikh Mesbahul Haque, District Fishery Officer were present as special guests. The chief guest in his speech made a clarion call to the people to cultivate fish in all water bodies.
In Noakhali, an officer and a farm manger of the fisheries department was rewarded for outstanding performance this year. Besides, various programmes were organised, including rally and discussion meetings, to observe the week.