Manas Bandyopadhyay and Sadia Jahan Prova, who earlier acted together in a drama serial for the first time, have acted together once again in a telefilm titled ‘Noor’. With the screenplay written by Matia Banu based on Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay’s novel ‘Ashchorjyo Prodeep’, Raju Khan has directed the telefilm. The shooting of the telefilm completed in the capital’s Uttara area on Saturday.
Raju Khan said about the story of the telefilm, “Jhalak (Prova) is a married woman, who is very greedy for wealth and money. Her husband works very hard all day and night long to meet the requirements of the wife’s luxurious life. Once the husband gifts her a lamp on her birthday. The lamp suddenly transforms into the magic lamp of Aladdin, whose name is Noor. Jhalak gets everything whatever she wants from the lamp. But she doesn’t get love. Jhalak now wants her husband’s love from the magic lamp. The story moves forward from this point.”
Manas Bandyopadhyay said about working in the telefilm, “I have worked under the direction of Raju Khan for the first time. He has made the telefilm with immense care. Besides, this is my second work with Prova. The story of the telefilm revolves around two main characters played us. As a result, both of us have enjoyed the work very much.” The telefilm will be aired on Channel i at 3pm on May 12.