Prime Minister's ICT Affairs Adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy yesterday directed the Posts and Telecommunications Division to introduce fourth generation (4G) services in the country as soon as possible. He said that while visiting the Posts and Telecommunications Division yesterday. State Minister for posts and telecommunications Tarana Halim and Chairman of BTRC Dr Shahjahan Mahmood accompanied the ICT adviser during his visit.
After the meeting Tarana halim told the reporters that Joy has directed them to start the 4G service as quickly as possible and also stressed on selling the unsold spectrum.
Shahjahan Mahmood told The Independent that already the draft for 4G guideline has been made. At the same time a guideline has been made to sell the unsold 2G and 3G spectrum. After getting the permission from department of Posts and Telecommunications and Finance Ministry, the guidelines will be implemented he added.