A Bangladeshi short film titled ‘Pounopunik’ has been selected for participating at the seventh edition of Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2017, which will be held on April 30 in Delhi, India. The story of ‘Pounopunik’ revolves around the struggle of a female sex worker to give her daughter the light of education. Being a member of the dark world, she fights hard to establish the identity of a mother over that of a sex worker. She is willing to fight against all odds in order to fulfil her daughters dream to become educated.
Produced by Idea Exchange, the screenplay of the film is written by Khandaker Sumon, who also directed the film. The central character of the film is played by Aynun Putul. Other important casts include Rani Sarker, Fazlul Haque, Farzana, Rawshan Ara Mukti, Mitu Rahman, Farzana Rumi and Manik Bahar.
To note, the Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival takes place on April 30 each year to mark the birth anniversary of late Shri Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, who is regarded as the father of Indian Cinema and fondly remembered as ‘Dada Saheb Phalke’ by the film fraternity across the India and globe. Its aim is to recognize the enlightening, entertaining and progressive new age cinema of youth and experienced filmmakers.