Mad Theatre will stage two special show of their maiden play ‘Naddiyo Natim’ in India. The first show of the play will be staged today at the Srimanta Sankaradev Kalakshetra in the Panjabari area of Guwahati, Assam, while second Show will be staged at Rabindra Bhaban in Tripura, Agartala in India on April 11. Directed by Asadul Islam, the play has been made based on the novel of Humayun Ahmed’s ‘Ke Kotha Koy’. Noddiyo Natim is a main character of this novel. Matin Uddin is an Uzbek poet. He reversed the spelling of his name – Noddiyo Natim. He got acquainted with Komal during his tuition. Meghdut plays the role of Komal. Muna is Komal’s mother, played by Subarna. Physically-disabled Komal revealed a secret of her life to Matin, who jumped off the roof to protect Meghdut’s secret. Interestingly, all three actors in the play – Asadul Islam, his wife Sonia Hasan Subarna, and their daughter Meghdut -are from the same family. To note, Mad Theatre started their journey to the theatre arena on October in 2015 by staging the play ‘Naddiyo Natim’.