Theatre Art Unit will bring their much-acclaimed production ‘Amina Sundari’ on stage today at 7pm at the Experimental Theatre Hall of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA), Segun Bagicha in the capital, as a part of the ongoing ‘Syed Badruddin Hossain Smriti Natyotsab and Smarok Sommanona’. The late SM Solaiman dramatised the play ‘Amina Sundari’ from the 300-year-old folk tale of Bheluya Sundari, periodically theatricalised there by various hands since the 1960s. The play is directed by Rokeya Rafique Baby which describes the heroine’s loyalty to her husband who sailed to Myanmar, where he deceptively remarries. After ten years of travails, Amina lands in the clutches of a merchant, into whose house her now destitute husband stumbles. He recognises her, but the first thing he asks is about her chastity.
The three actresses performed the role of Amina - especially Anika Mahin Eka with her rich singing - brought out the feminist theme un-melodramatically, while the men behave like rank villains or fools such as Shujan, the best of the caricaturists, leers behind Amina in the drama. Even though the story is 300 years old, it’s still the persistent reality of almost all women and households in the male dominated society which made the play as the story of thousands of women, portrayed by three Aminas.
Where: BSA, Segun Bagicha
When: 7pm, today