Popular model-actress Anny Khan, who engaged herself with hosting TV programmes long time ago besides acting and modelling, is presently busy with anchoring five TV shows. DhakaLive has news that Anny is being regularly seen anchoring five shows on four TV channels, these are ‘Sign-on’ and ‘SA Live Studio’ on SA TV, ‘Glitter Rannaghar’ on NTV, ‘Tea Time Tea Break’ and ‘Char Deyaler Kabbo’ on ATN Bangla.
Besides, Anny is also busy with acting in TV plays, who is at present working regularly in several drama serials, such as ‘Chapabaj’ directed by Hasan Jahangir, ‘Prem Mane Bhalobasa Noy’ directed by Debashish Barua Dip, Kaiser Ahmed’s ‘Phulki’, Matia Banu Shaku’s ‘Agun Alpona’, Walid’s ‘Jole Bheja Rong’ and ‘Andhokarer Antoral’.
On the other hand, today is the birthday of Anny and she will spend the day with her mother and brother at home. After the demise of her father in 2012, she doesn’t do anything special on this day.
Anny said, “I celebrated my birthday for the last time with my father in 2012. Then, my father left this world forever. After his death, I didn’t celebrate my birthdays anymore. I miss him every moment. My father was my world.” l
Photo Courtesy l Golam Sabbir