Thousands of Hindu community members yesterday celebrated Holi, a religious festival of colours, across the country playing with multi colours to make the extravaganza enthusiastic, reports BSS. The festival, also known as Dol Purnima (full moon day), began in the morning and continued till afternoon. It also lasts for two days starting on the Purnima in several parts of the country. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships, and is also celebrated as a thanksgiving for a good harvest.
As a ritual in celebration of the festival, the devotees visited the shrines, temples and offer colours at the feet of Idol of the God Sri Krishna and Goddess Sri Radhika.
In accordance with mythology, Dol Purnima, also known as Dol Jatra or Holi, is regarded as the festival of the believers of Boishnobism. In Dhakeswari National Temple, Mahanagar Sarbajanin Puja Committee organized worshiping and Kirton (devotional songs) in the morning. Abir (a kind of perfumed and pink coloured powder)) was offered at the feet of idols of Radha Krishna and Chaitanyadeb. Devotees also offered the Abir to god and goddess. Besides, the festival was celebrated at different temples across the country including capital Dhaka. Marking the festival, the entire Dhaka University campus wore a festive look as hundreds of youths irrespective of religion, caste and creed celebrated the festival with different colors.