NATORE: A court here yesterday sentenced one person to death for killing his wife at Kalikapur village under Baraigram upazila of the district in 2015, reports BSS. The court also fined the convict Taka one lakh. The District and Session Judge M Rejaul Karim, who is also the judge of Woman and Child Repression Control Tribunal, pronounced the verdict. The convict is Kajol Kumar Sarker, 22, son of Sri Sukesh Chandra Sarker, a resident of the same area, a court official said. The prosecution story, in brief, is that Kajol used to torture his wife Mina Rani, 18, for dowry. On October 12, 2015 Kajol beat Mina to death as she had refused to bring money for him (as dowry) from her father’s house. The victim’s father Sadananda Pal filed a murder case after that with Baraigram Police Station against him. Police after investigation submitted charge-sheet before the court against Kajol. Later, the judge examining 16 witnesses and evidences announced the judgment.