Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday arrested Emdadul Alam, a former chief engineer of Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), for illegally amassing wealth and concealing wealth information. Talking to The Independent, ACC Public Relations Officer (PRO) Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya said,“ Former RAJUK Chief Engineer Emdadul Islam was arrested from his Banani house in the capital yesterday morning.”
On February 23, ACC filed a case against Emdadul for amassing wealth worth over Tk 87 lakh and concealing wealth amounting to Tk 1.18 crore in his wealth statement. ACC’s Deputy Assistant Director Sayeduzzaman filed the case with Ramna Police Station.
And as part of the investigation, a team of ACC led by director Sayed Iqbal Hossain arrested Emdad. Later, he was sent to jail, ACC sources added. Emdadul Islam was also arrested in 2007 during the army backed caretaker government in a graft case filed by ACC accusing him of selling off 18 government houses in the city’s posh areas at throwaway prices, causing a loss of more than Tk 127.66 crore to the government exchequer.