The shooting of popular actor-director Zahid Hasan’s drama serial ‘Vagabond’ is currently underway in his birthplace Sirajganj. Model-actress Diana is acting opposite him in the drama serial. She is playing as Nodi under the direction of Zahid Hasan for the first time.
DhakaLive has news that the actor-director has started the shooting of the drama serial from January 28, which has been taking place at different locations of Sirajganj. The drama serial is now being aired on Banglavision.
In the story of the drama serial, Nodi falls in love with Zahid Hossain during her visit to the village.
Zahid Hasan said about the drama serial, “I always try to work with the newcomers who are doing good in acting. Diana is doing great in acting, that’s why she has been involved in the drama serial as the character demands her presence in its story. She is also trying her best to do the work wonderfully.”
Diana shared her experience of working under the direction of Zahid Hasan, “Zahid Hasan is a highly-qualified actor, as well as he is also regarded as a brilliant director. This is my good luck that I got the opportunity of working under his direction.”
Zahid Hasan informed that ‘Vagabond’ is being aired regularly every Thursday to Saturday at 9:45pm on Banglavision. l