Channel i is going to telecast Amar Ekushey Boi Mela (Amar Ekushey Book Fair) live from the Bangla Academy premises everyday during the upcoming fair. Like the previous year, International Finance Investment and Commerce Bank Limited (IFIC Bank), one of the leading private banks in the country, has joined with Channel i to make the programme ‘Boi Mela Pratidin’ a success. Compared to the previous years’ programmes, this year’s book fair will be presented in a different manner on the TV screen. Courtesy by Panjeree Publications, Prime Bank and Pathak Samabesh, the programme will feature different types of arrangements for the viewers. Besides, a print version of Anando Alo ‘Boi Mela Pratidin’, which has been publishing for last 11 years, will also be published and will be distributed free of cost among the visitors, viewers, writers and others at the book fair.
In addition, alongside introducing new books every day, ‘Boi Mela Pratidin’ will also air interviews of writers, viewers and visitors during the programme.
To disclose details about this year’s programme, a press conference was arranged on the Channel i premises in the capital yesterday. Managing director of Channel i Faridur Reza Sagar spoke about the live telecast of ‘Boi Mela Pratidin’ in his welcome speech, while Bangla Academy director general Shamsuzzaman Khan pointed out different aspects of this year’s book fair and managing director of IFIC Bank Shah Alam Sarwar explained the bank’s involvement with the programme. Among others, director of Panjeree Publications Ltd Kamrul Hasan Shayok, anchors of the programme—Lutfor Rahman Riton and Ahmad Mazher, editor of Ananda Alo and ‘Boi Mela Pratidin’ Rezanur Rahman, were also present at the press conference. Produced by Amirul Islam, the programme will be aired live on Channel i everyday from 5:30 to 6pm (except: Thursday from 6:30pm to 6:50pm) during the book fair.