What is Infertility?
If a couple fail to conceive after one year of unprotected sex can be design
as infertile couple.
A couple with baby:
A Couple with IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) baby was born at ITRC about 10 years ago. Her parents belongs from urban area of near Dhaka. They tried for baby naturally for the long time.
On Investigation father was found severely oligospermic. With washed sperm IUI was done & they were blessed with daughter. & another subsequently.
Socio medical aspect of childless couples:
Infertility & Sterility is a Socio Medical problem. About three million couples in our country is infertile & its number is increasing very first due to repaid changing in socio economic norm .
More than hundred million couples are estimated to be infertile world wide. In our society wives are mostly blamed though husbands are 60% responsible.
Family unrest
Multiple marriege
Even suicide.
Shattered Dreem of Mother Hood
Where to go:
One must choose his/her doctors, physicians (embryologist) first. Only experienced embryologist should be your physicians. Infertile couples must be treated with most modern scientific methods. Indigenous methods like Pani Pora, Doa Tabiz, Jhar Fuk, Pir Morshed etc. have no role in the treatment of Infertility & Sterility. Infertility Treatment & Research Center (ITRC) – is a renowned centre at South East Asia.
Points to be noted :
More is the duration of infertility – less is the chance of pregnancy.
It is a very time consuming treatment & is related with menstruation.
Best time of first visit is the 7th day of menstruation.
Husband & wife should visit ITRC together.
Counseling plays an important role for treatment.
Counseling of the couple is very important part of treatment. Doctors & patients relationship should be as close as possible. Embryologist, physicians, & nurses of ITRC give proper counseling either individually to wife or to husband or both. ITRC also record the history of couple in a individual file.
Causes of Infertility:
Causes of infertility can be summarized as follows: (Both for Husband & Wife)
Change of environment
Indiscriminate use of contraceptive
Working at dye factory
Change of Socio economic norm
Working at hot conduction
M,R. D & C, Delivery in unhygenic condition.
A normal sperm out of million
As an embryologist or as patient one must know where is the real causes– Hence investigations. Causes may be with-
01. Male Partner or Husband
02. Female Partner or Wife
03. Both
Proper scientific investigations can identify the causes of 80% - 85% infertile couples which can help for:
Increases Pregnancy rate
Carry home a baby of own
Heavenly smile at the lips of parents
IUI Baby with Doctor & Nurse
Methods of Treatments:
ITRC treat the couples in the following most modern methods for achieving pregnancy.
Tubal hydration
Ovarian Stimulation
Implantation of Fertilized Frozen Embryo
Pre Genetic Diagnosis
Frozen Ovum/ Sperm
Tubal hydration
Ovarian Stimulation
IVF & ET n
Source: Bangladesh Institute of Medical Science