A series of ‘Black Swan’ events occurred this year, including the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum and the US general election. In addition, the results of the December 4 referendum in Italy, as well as German and French general elections next year, are still unpredictable. A few years ago, British and American defence reports suggested that the world was entering an era of major upheavals and asymmetric risks. Today, that prediction is coming true.
In this era of uncertainty, China’s contribution to world peace and development is the biggest certainty, and such a certainty is especially precious.
China’s certainty is reflected in the fact that it has become an ‘anchor’ for the world’:
—An anchor of stability: Compared to Europe and America, which are constantly affected by refugee crises and social unrest, and the Middle East chronically suffering from civil wars, terrorism and extremism, China is the most stable power in the world. The country helps reassure the whole world that one-fifth of the world’s population is living well. The Belt and Road Initiative that China proposed and advocated for is eliminating one source of turmoil on this planet through interconnectivity.
—An anchor of growth: Since the outbreak of the global financial crisis, China has contributed more than one-third of the world’s economic growth, doubling contributions of the United States, which is ranked second. China’s prudent economic policies have contained the trade and investment protectionism of some countries, which are trying to benefit themselves at the expense of others.
—An anchor of development: The number of people China has brought out of poverty accounts for 70 percent of the world’s total. China’s model of poverty alleviation is currently recognised and adopted by more and more countries.
—An anchor of reform: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Hangzhou G20 Summit, together sounded the clarion call for structural reforms worldwide. China is exhibiting its leadership in the international system of reform and global governance.
Human society, as it enters a new stage of development, is faced with new challenges that are like riotous clouds sweeping swiftly past. In a world of uncertainties, China demonstrates its great contributions to mankind with its certainty. China has become an ‘anchor’ for the world, which is a historical necessity as well as a blessing for the world. BY WANG YIWEI (This article is originally published in People’s Daily Overseas Edition. Here it is reedted. The author is a professor at the School of International Studies, Renmin University of China.)