A union parishad member was injured after he was beaten up by Srinagar union parishad chairman on Tuesday night for complaining against him to Raipura UNO. The injured has been identified as Shah Alam, member of Srinagar union parishad in Raipura upazila. According to upazila nirbahi office sources, chairman Reaj Morshed Khan had withdrawn Tk 60,000 as a government allocation for repairing a road in Saidabad village in Srinagar UP. But allegations are there that he did not do any work and submitted a fake muster roll to the UNO office. This had prompted the UP member Shah Alam to submitted a complain letter to UNO against the UP chairman. Angered by the move Reaj became furious and attacked Shah Alam about 10.30 pm on Tuesday while he was talking with local people after Tarabi prayers. The UP chairman entered the mosque and started beating Shah Alam. At one stage Shah Alam fell on the ground. Hearing scream local people rushed to the mosque and sent him to Narsingdi Zila Hospital.
A case has been filed with Raipura police station in this connection.