For the first time in her career, talented actress Moutushi Biswas is working under the direction of National Film Award-winning actress, director and playwright Rokeya Prachi. She is currently acting in the telefilm titled ‘Rubina Amena Phulki’, written by Prachi herself.
DhakaLive has news that the shooting of the telefilm began yesterday at a shooting house in the capital’s Eskaton area. In the telefilm, Rokeya Prachi will appear as a housewife named Rubina, while Moutushi is playing the role of a domestic help named Amena. The character Phulki is being played by newbie Shiuli and the role of the outraged husband of Amena is played by Lutfor Rahman George.
Royeka Prachi said, “Moutushi has been selected for the role for her physical structure and acting skill. Considering everything, she has been taken in the role of Amena. I hope the viewers will enjoy the telefilm” . Moutushi shared her experience of the work, “This is my first work with Rokeya Prachi. In the meantime, I have acted in a few scenes of the telefilm. She is such a wonderful director, who works understanding and knowing everything properly. I am really satisfied to act in the telefilm.”
The telefilm will be telecast on a satellite TV channel soon.