The jetty and warehouse labourers called off their work stoppage after a negotiation held yesterday at Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI).
MA Latif MP, CCCI President Mahbubul Alam, vice president of the chamber Syed Jamal Ahmed, AL labour leader Safar Ali, jetty contractor Abul Hashem and Abu Tayyab, convener of Chittagong Ghat Gudam Sramik Sangram Committee took part in the negotiation meeting, among others.
Raja Mia Hawlader, member secretary of Chittagong Ghat Gudam Sramik Sangram Committee told The Independent that they called off their work abstention after getting assurance of17 per cent wage hike.
It may be mentioned that around 3,000 labourers of 16 jetties and 96 warehouses under the banner of Chittagong Ghat Gudam Sramik Sangram Committee went for a work abstention on July 2 for an indefinite period to press home their 9-point demand including wage hike.