Popular actor Mosharraf Karim will be seen playing a role in a six-episode Eid special tele-drama titled ‘Khayesh’, scripted by Kazi Shahidul Islam and directed by Sokal Ahmed.
The story of the drama evolves around a village man named Fazlu Shikder, who becomes furious to take revenge on Matlab Chairman because the chairman insulted him. The village people advised him to be the chairman. But he does not possess the qualities to be one. That is why he decides to make the relationship with influential families. He targets families with large votes. He forces his son to divorce his wife and marry a girl from an influential family as her daughter in law. He himself even gets married to three other families to increase the number of votes. This is how the story goes forward .
The drama stars Fazlur Rahman Babu, Arsha, Jui, Arfan, and Shirin Alam among others. The drama will be aired on Maasranga TV on Eid day at 6:15 pm and will continue for the next six days. l