POST TIME: 3 October, 2016 00:00 00 AM
From the Editor

From the Editor

Ageing is a process of gradual and spontaneous change, resulting in malnutrition through childhood, puberty and young adulthood and then decline of many bodily functions through middle and late age. Ageing is a continuous process that begins at birth and continues throughout all stages of life. With age, many of the body's functions decline.
As people age, blood sugar levels increase more after eating carbohydrates than they do in younger people; however, the very large increases that occur in diabetes are not considered normal ageing.
Mental decline that includes more difficulty learning new languages and increased forgetfulness is nearly universal with advanced age and is considered normal ageing; however, the serious mental decline of dementia, with its extreme loss of short-term memory, ability to learn, and under standing of the environment, although common in late life, is considered a disease. Alzheimer's disease is an abnormal process.
Our cover this week is "Ageing.” Our population is now ageing. As of 2014, people ageing between
55-64 years make up 5.9% of the national population while senior citizens aged more than 65 years make up 5% of our multitude.
We include in this issue current information on the ageing process, medical conditions, drugs etc. The older people need to be looked after by the family and friends. We should take care of our senior citizens and family members with all sincerity and devotion.