Though the evergreen actress Suborna Mustafa and talented actor-director Zahid Hasan have not worked together in so many projects, their impeccable presence in the tele-dramas, in those they worked together, earned huge appreciation. This time around, the audience will get the opportunity to watch them appearing together once again through a telefilm after ten long years. DhakaLive has news that the duo will appear in the telefilm titled ‘Nisshabda’, which has been written and directed by Badrul Anam Saud.
Meanwhile, the shooting of the telefilm has already been completed recently at a location of Rajendrapur, Gazipur. Director Badrul Anam Saud informed that the telefilm will be aired on Channel i soon.
Suborna Mustafa said about working in the telefilm, “Badrul Anam Saud wrote the telefilm quite a long time ago. Everyone knows Zahid Hasan acts very well. For this reason, Saud was interested to cast Zahid Hasan and me together. The outcome of that interest has been reflected in ‘Nisshabda’. The audience will get to see Zahid Hasan in two different characters--a young man and an old man in the telefilm. Zahid has played outstanding role. Overall, it seems to be a wonderful production. So therefore, we are very hopeful about the work.”
Suborna also informed that Runa Khan, who played an important role in the telefilm, has also acted wonderfully. Zahid Hasan said, “Both Suborna Mustafa and Badrul Anam Saud are very cordial. I felt their cordiality while working with them, and it was a much organised unit. That’s why, I accomplished the job contentedly and I am also very hopeful about the telefilm.” To note, the last tele-drama Suborna and Zahid appeared together was ‘Private Detective’. The tele-drama was directed by Zahid Hasan, while Sadia Islam Mou was the executive producer. Among others, Humayun Faridi, Amol Bose, Zahurul Islam, Rupak Talukder and Wahida Shimu acted in the tele-drama, which was aired on a satellite TV channel in 2006.