POST TIME: 1 July, 2015 00:00 00 AM
short takes

short takes

Ebola returns to Liberia     
AFP, MONROVIA: Liberia announced the return of the deadly Ebola virus yesterday, more than six weeks after the country eradicated the disease. A new case of Ebola has been reported in Margibi County. The person has died and was confirmed positive before death. He has been buried.
Malaysia jails 2 for IS support
AFP, KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysian who fought alongside the Islamic State group in Syria was jailed for 18 years yesterday for planning terror attacks aimed at installing an Islamic regime in his home country, a prosecutor said.
Murad Halimmuddin, 49, along with his son Abu Daud, 25, pleaded guilty to terrorism-related charges in the high court, said prosecutor Shukor Abu Bakar. Daud was jailed for 12 years.