POST TIME: 29 July, 2016 00:00 00 AM
China vows to contribute to the world’s win-win

China vows to contribute to the world’s win-win

“China is always a builder of world peace, a contributor to world development and an upholder of international order. China is willing to expand common interests with other countries, promote a new model of international relations with win-win coopera-tion at the core and facilitate the building of a community of shared destiny and interests for all mankind.” These words were spoken by President Xi Jinping on July 1, in his speech marking the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. He also called on all countries to build “a common garden shared by all where a hundred flowers blossom.”

The concept of a “community of shared destiny” was first proposed by President Xi Jinping on March 23, 2013 in his speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

A regional community of shared destiny, the starting point of a global com-munity of shared destiny, is embodied in China’s harmonious relations with neigh-bouring countries and regions. On October 3, 2013 Xi delivered an important speech to the Indonesian Parliament, for the first time associating the idea of a community of shared destiny with the relationship be-tween China and ASEAN countries.

During the symposium on China’s peripheral diplomacy, held October 24-25, 2013, Xi stressed that China should pursue amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusive-ness in its diplomatic work, so that the aware-ness of a community of shared destiny would take root in neighbouring countries.

In the past three years, China has imple-mented the concept of a community of shared destiny in its relations with other Asian, Afri-can, Latin American and Arabian countries.

On September 28, 2015, Xi delivered another important speech at the General Debate of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly, emphasizing the building of a new model of international relations with win-win cooperation as the core and a community of shared destiny for all mankind.

China is not only talking the talk, but also walking the walk. Since the Asian Infrastruc-ture Investment Bank was first proposed by China in October 2013, it has assembled 57 founding members. The Belt and Road initiative involves 44 million people in more than 60 countries. China was the first county to provide humanitarian aid to quake-hit Ec-uador.Through these practical efforts,China is joining hands with other countries in seeking common development and prosperity. (This article is from  People’s Daily Overseas Edition and is abridged)