GAIBANDHA: Speakers at a function here on Wednesday underlined the importance of promoting water, sanitation and hygiene strategies and practices comprehensively to reduce water and sanitation related diseases, reports BSS. “Importance should be given to improve water quality and hygiene practices in all spheres of the society in reducing high rate of under-five child mortality due to diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, cholera and hepatitis”, they said. They came up with the comments while addressing a workshop on ‘National Hygiene Promotion Strategy’ (NHPS) for water supply and sanitation sector in Bangladesh held at the conference room of Fulchhari upazila health complex yesterday. SKS Foundation, WaterAid, Non-governmental organizations and policy support unit (PSU) of Local Government Division (LGD) jointly organised the workshop for the community health care providers of the upazila with the financial support of UKAID.