Classes at the Moulana Bhashani University of Science and Technology MBUST will resume on June 27. Five students have been expelled and the authorities have imposed a ban on rally and procession. The classes of the university were suspended following the killing of Mosarraf Hossain, a final year student, on April 13. Assistant proctor Azizul Hoque said the 183rd meeting of Regent Board was held on Wednesday afternoon with Vice Chancellor Ala Uddin in the chair. According to the resolutions of the meeting, the classes of the university will resume on June 27 and examinations will be held from June 28. The authorities imposed a ban on rally procession, holding meetings, chanting slogans, using loud speaker or carrying any kind of sticks inside the campus. Five students have been expelled. The students have been expelled for their misconduct and failing to reply to a show cause notice, it is learned.