Popular presenter Masuma Rahman Nabila has made the transition from her presentation skills to developing her acting skills, which she applied for the much anticipated film titled ‘Aynabaji’, directed by renowned director Amitabh Reza and written by Gausal Alam Shaon, who also acted in the film. Nabila will make her silver screen debut through this film, which will be released on August 19. She has acted alongside popular actors such as National Film Award winning actor Chanchal Chowdhury and singer-actor Partha Barua. The film is also the first feature film by Amitabh Reza. Other casts of the film include Lutfur Rahman George, Shawkat Osman, Bijari Barkatullah, Brindaban Das, Khairul Bashar, among others. Presented by Content Matters Limited, the film will be released under the banner of Half Stop Down. Nabila shared her thoughts surrounding her silver screen debut, “It is a unique feeling watching myself on the big screen. I am enthusiastically waiting for the film’s release so that I can go to the theatre and view it.” The story of ‘Aynabaji’ is about a city where life is still simple and uncomplicated, where the milkman delivers milk, the hawkers shout out what they are selling, representing a middle class lifestyle and living conditions.” Earlier, the film was screened at the 69th Cannes Film Festival, where it was met with immense feedback. The film also made waves in the industry through its appealing trailer and for the song ‘Alu Peyajer Kabya’.