As part of the ongoing reforms in the administration, particularly in the ministries and divisions, the government has decided to place a proposal to split the education ministry into three divisions at a meeting of the secretaries’ committee on administrative improvement and seek its approval. The home and health ministries would also be divided, sources said. The meeting would be held today at the Cabinet Division in the Secretariat, with the Cabinet Secretary in the chair, disclosed sources in the education ministry.
According to the proposal, the education ministry would be split into three divisions—the Higher Education Division, the Secondary Education Division and the Technical and Madrasa Education Division—to ensure the quality of the country’s education system. Courses of higher studies like degree, honours and master’s courses under the respective educational institutions, including universities, would be under the Higher Education Division. Those above the primary education level to the higher secondary (HSC) level would be under the Secondary Education Division. Technical, vocational and madrasa education would be under the Technical and Madrasa Education Division, according to the proposal.
A high-ranking official of the education ministry told The Independent that after getting a recommendation from the committee of secretaries, the Cabinet Division will send it to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), seeking the Prime Minister’s approval.
The Cabinet Division will issue a gazette notification to split the Education Ministry into three divisions after getting the PM’s approval, he said. A high-ranking official of the Cabinet Division said they have received two separate proposals from the home affairs and health ministries. Among the two ministries, the home ministry would be bifurcated into the following divisions: the Public Security Division (Janonirapotta Bibhag) and the Public Safety Division (Surokhya Bibhag).
The police, Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), Ansar and village defence parties (VDPs), Coast Guard and wings of the International Crimes Tribunal(s) would operate under the Public Security Division. The Directorate of Immigration and Passports, Fire Services and Civil Defence, the Department of Narcotics Control and the National Telecommunications and Monitoring Centre will come under the Public Safety Division. According to the proposal, the health and family welfare ministry would be bifurcated into the following divisions—the Medical and Health Division and the Family Planning Division—with a view to ensuring medical treatment and family planning facilities for the people. Sources said the government would appoint more ministers and state ministers, and six more posts of secretaries would be created after dividing the ministries. At present, there are 58 ministers, including the Prime Minister, special envoy to the PM, advisers to the PM, state ministers and deputy ministers of the government. A total of 74 secretaries currently work in the civil bureaucracy, under 45 ministries and divisions.