POST TIME: 24 June, 2016 00:00 00 AM
Smarter manufacturing gaining momentum

Smarter manufacturing gaining momentum

From tin ore to chemical prod-ucts, from aluminum ingots to lith-ium-air batteries, from traditional medicine to bio-pharmaceuticals, a new generation of manufacturing in Yunnan was on display at the China-South Asia Expo. Visitors were also able to experience driv-ing subway trains and controlling drones at the Expo, showing them how the local manufacturing indus-try is taking off.

Yunnan Baiyao, the world-fa-mous Traditional Chinese Medicine brand, had a 150-square-metre booth at the Expo, showcasing its past leg-ends, as well as current innovations. Twenty-five automated production lines perfectly embody the tradi-tional, modern, healthy and organic elements of our time. The innovative spirit can be seen in each and every Yunnan Baiyao product. At the Yun-nan Metallurgy Group exhibition booth, visitors were amazed to see a piece of aluminum and a bottle of salt water generating an electrical current that can power a daylight lamp for quite a while. That is how the new aluminum air battery works. Such world-changing technology will be a green energy bank for our time. Two aluminum mobile toilets also show the prospects of such tech-nology.

Hongyun Honghe Group boasts China’s most advanced cigarette-pro-ducing technology. China Railway High-Tech Equipment Manufactur-ing Company. owns more than 80% of the country’s share in large-scale railway maintenance equipment. Kunming Shipbuilding Group has cracked the most complicated elec-tromechanical engineering challenge in modern airport construction and geological exploration by coming up with a smart-luggage sorting system. All such examples are sending a message to the world that Yunnan’s manufacturing industry is becoming smarter.