An iftar party, where BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia was invited as the chief guest, at city’s Sonargaon Hotel yesterday was cancelled following a court injunction.
A faction of National People’s Party (NPP), a component of the BNP-led 20-party alliance, was scheduled to arrange the iftar, reports UNB.
Contacted, NPP chairman Fariduzzaman Farhad said the hotel authorities cancelled the booking for the iftar party at its ballroom, forcing them to call the programme off.
He said the hotel authorities revoked the booking at the dictate of Ramna Police Station.
Ramna Police Station sub-inspector Ali Hossain, however, said they only executed a lower court injunction in this regard.
He said NPP is registered with the Election Commission in the name of Sheikh Shawkat Hossain Nilu.
As its rival group led by Farhad booked the hotel recently for the programme under the banner of NPP, the Nilu-led fraction moved a Dhaka court which issued the injunction on the programme.