Popular evergreen actors-directors Afzal Hossain and Toukir Ahmed, alongside popular actress Bipasha Hayat will be appearing together for the first time on screen in an Eid special telefilm titled ‘Rupali Diner Galpa’. Directed by renowned director Arif Khan, Bipasha Hayat wrote the story of the telefilm based on a rural setting. The shooting of the telefilm began from June 14 outside the capital. Bipasha Hayat shared her thoughts about the story of the telefilm, “The way circumstances may change a person’s behavior and their attitude, and how it may completely change a person that has been portrayed in this telefilm. All of us who have worked in this telefilm have given our best from our individual sides to present a good project. Director Arif Khan worked real hard and with a lot of enthusiasm and passion for this telefilm. I hope the viewers appreciate it.” During the beginning of his career, Afzal Hossain worked in tele-dramas which involved the plot to be rural-based. After a really long time, he will be seen in a completely different role. He also shared his thoughts, “The story of the telefilm is truly different and unique. It has elements of cinema as well as literature. The role that I am playing in this telefilm, I do not think I have played such a role before. Bipasha Hayat is one serious writer. She really established herself as a writer. Those of us who have worked together in theatre, when we reunite to work on the small screen, we feel that theatre vibe returning. All of us together are doing great work in this telefilm.” Toukir Ahmed said about his character, “The role that I am usually seen in my other portrayals, I will not be playing such a role this time. In fact, even though the on screen presence of my character is quite limited, it is the type of role that the viewers will experience fully. The condition of women in society is something that the telefilm also focuses on.”
Director Arif Khan informed that ‘Rupali Diner Galpa’ will be aired on NTV during Eid.
Photo Courtesy: Mohsin Ahmed