Railways Minister M Mazibul Hoque yesterday introduced the Railway Property (Unlawful Possession Reclamation) Bill, 2016 in the Jatiya Sangsad, reports BSS. The Railway Property (Unlawful Possession Reclamation) Bill, 2016 is aimed at recovering the railway land and property from illegal occupation. The bill has annulled the “Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) Ordinance, 1979 with giving legal coverage to the actions so far done under the ordinance. According to the bill, grabbing and illegal possessions of railway property will be considered as a punishable offence. The bill has a provision of maximum 7 years of rigorous jail or fine or both for stealing any kind of railway property as well as occupying such properties illegally. Besides, abettors would be sentenced to five years’ rigorous imprisonment or fine or both under the proposed law. The bill said the Railway Security Force would be able arrest anyone without warrants if any officer and member of the force deemed that the very person was involved in cognizable offence under this law. Later, the House sent the bill to the concerned parliamentary standing committee for scrutiny and report back within 30 days.