POST TIME: 10 June, 2016 00:00 00 AM
Yunnan flower company wins silver medal in Germany

Yunnan flower company wins silver medal in Germany

According to the Yunnan Flower Demonstration Park, Kunming Hongzhihua Garden-ing Company. was awarded a silver medal by the Interna-tional Association of Horti-cultural Producers (AIPH) at  the 2016 AIPH International Grower of the Year Awards held in Essen, Germany.

Kunming Hongzhihua Gar-dening Company. is the only silver-medal-winning com-pany among the three flower growers recommended by the Chinese Flower Association this year. In recent years, Hongzhihua has won a num-ber of awards, including being named the Leading Agricul-tural Enterprise of Yunnan Province, China’s Top Ten Gardening Enterprise in 2015. Hongzhihua’s chrysanthemum seedling cuttings accounted for 95% of the total Chinese export of such products. The China Cut Chrysanthemum Exposition series was suc-cessfully held by Hongzhihua, making it a leader in Yunnan’s flower industry.

The picture shows the company’s new development model “production base + tourism”.