A ccording to the Chi -na-South Asia Expo and Kun-ming Trade Fair Organizing Committee, a number of high-tech enterprises will display in-dustrial robots, Beidou satellite applications, cloud computing devices, and genetic and bio-logical engineering products to visitors.
Covering a total exhibition area of 170,000 square meters, the expo’s 17 pavilions will provide approximately 8,000 standard booths, a 30 percent increase over last year’s ses-sion. Among these, the South Asia Pavilion and the ASEAN Pavilion are larger and richer than others. These two pavil-ions highlight the character-istics of South and Southeast Asian countries and exhibitors, with more than 60 percent of the exhibition area specially decorated. The pavilions ded-icated to tourism, manufactur-ing and plateau agriculture are also specially decorated, with overall exhibition arrange-ments achieving higher levels than in previous years.
Meanwhile, support ser-vices for the China-South Asia Expo are being prepared in an orderly manner. The venue service and logistics providers have being iden-tified, a temporary customs warehouse has been complet-ed and put into use, and the equipment for access control and ticket production has been commissioned. In addi-tion, sponsorship and work related to exhibition invita-tions are both progressing smoothly. To date, 13 of the world’s top 500 enterprises, 12 of China’s top 500 en-terprises and 80 other well-known domestic and overseas enterprises have submitted applications. The 4th Chi-na-South Asia Expo will see a large number of contracts signed for major economic and trade cooperation proj-ects. These will involve a contracted value that is by 11 percent larger than those ap-proved last year.
Additionally, volunteers have been recruited and as-signed specific jobs. The 2,500 volunteers are from 25 colleges and universities. They have completed their training in terms of etiquette, languages, emergency response and other disciplines, and are well pre-pared to serve the China-South Asia Expo.