Two final-year students of BRAC University have provided wings to the flights of fancy of children hovering within the autistic spectrum. The students, Tamanna Islam and Rafia Anjum, have developed interactive games for autistic children who generally lack the skills to "connect" to the outside world and hence cannot take part in recreational activities.
Tamanna told The Independent that they have developed several games for autistic children. The first game of their project is called “Flying with airplane”. She said this game involves a toy plane which will move with the movement of hands.
“There is a sensor board and a monitor. If a child moves his hand along the board, the plane in monitor moves. There are some easy missions in the game which an autistic child could understand easily,” she explained.
Another game is called “Knowing alphabets”. “In this game there are some ladders containing different letter. There are some coins as well. There is a ball. Each time the ball collects a coin, an audio will start introducing the letter with rhymes,” said Rafia.