POST TIME: 22 June, 2015 00:00 00 AM / LAST MODIFIED: 21 June, 2015 11:27:00 PM
Advance train tickets from July 9

Advance train tickets from July 9

Bangladesh Railway will start selling advance train tickets from July 9 and will continue till July 13. Railways Minister Mujibul Haque announced the decision at a press briefing at Railway Bhaban in the city yesterday. One passenger can collect maximum four tickets from 9 am to 5pm everyday.
The tickets for July 13 will be available on July 9 and that for July 14 will be sold on July 10, tickets for July 15 will be sold on July 11, tickets for July 16 on July 12 and tickets for July 17 will be available on July 13, the minister said.
Return tickets for East and West zone will be available on July 16 for July 20, July 17 for July 21, July 18 for July 22, July 19 for July 23 and July 20 for July 24 this year. The tickets will be available at Dhaka and Chittagong respectively.
Besides, after the Eid, tickets will be sold on special arrangement form Rajshahi, Khulna, Rangpur, Dinajpur and Lalmonirhat railway stations.
Depending on the sighting of the moon the Eid-ul-Fitr will be held on July 20.
Meanwhile, Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan also came up with a decision to ensure the fitness of marine vehicles and not to carry excess passengers to avoid launc capsizing during the traveling ahead of Eid.