Two siblings died and two others wounded after the they were electrocuted at Dodaria village in Monirampur upazila of Jessore yesterday. The dead were identified as Md Milon, 32, and Md Sumon, 23, sons of Abdul Aziz of Dodaria village and the injured are Shimul, 9, son of Robiul Islam and Fatema, 32, a relative of the dead. Mollah Khabir Ahmed, officer in-charge, Moniram-pur police station, said Shimul came in contact with a live electric wire that was lying naked at a brick field in the village at about 9 am.
Hearing the screams for help, the two siblings rushed to rescue him and got electrocuted and died on the spot. The injured were admitted to Jessore Medical College Hospital, the OC said.
Ruhul Amin, manager of Sarder Brick Kiln, said the incident occurred as the victims touched the severed electric wire that was lying naked without their knowledge.