Railways Minister M Mazibul Haque yesterday said Bangladesh Railway (BR) requires more days to restore the railway communication between Chittagong and Dohazari, snapped up due to an accident. “We have already rescued four wagons and guard break and brought to Gomdandi station soon after the accident,” he said while giving a statement on Rule 300 of the Rules of Procedure in the Parliament, reports BSS.
“After temporary structure and re-construction of the railway line are done, the authorities would be able to rescue the derailed engine and its wagons,” Mazibul told the House.
The rescue operation and re-establishment of railway link needs additional time because the accident place is located on the bridge, he mentioned in his statement.
The minister said assistant executive engineer Abdul Halim and senior deputy assistant engineer (Bridge-1) Akbar Ahmed Ferdous have been suspended immediately after the incident.