‘Gariwala’ (The cart driver), young filmmaker Ashraf Shishir’s debut film, won ‘Narrative Feature, Honourable Mention’ award at the seventh Trenton Film Festival-2015. Featuring 53 films including short-films and full-length feature films from 16 countries, the four-day festival began on June 11 and concluded on June 14 in New Jersey in the USA. This is the fifth international award for Gariwala. The film features a story of the indomitable dream of two young brothers, Habil and Kabil. Their mother works at a rice mill despite severe illness, while the father is a rickshaw-puller, who has been missing for 2 years. They wander about the village all day and even with their mother’s disagreement, race ‘bearing cars’ in the field; but they do not own such a car. One day, they sell water lilies to buy old bearings, make their own car and win the race. In the city, Habil discovers their father with his new family. One stormy night, they find their mother half-dead and rush her to the hospital in the forbidden car. Fearing their increased suffering, Habil keeps father’s reality a secret. The film stars Rokeya Prachi, Raisul Islam Asad, Masud Aziz, Imran, Saki Farzana and others.
To note, ‘Gariwala’ won the Best Film award at a three-day long film festival titled ‘The Gulf of Naples Independent Film Festival’of Italy May this year and at the International Film Festival of Rajasthan 2014 at the beginning of this year. On the other hand, the film grabbed three best awards in three categories—best screenplay, best supporting role and best child role—in North Carolina World Film Festival. Besides, Rokeya Prachi was nominated for best actress award in the Florida Film Festival this year.
Apart from participating in ‘Vittorio Veneto Film Festival’, ‘Gariwala’ also participated in ‘Angkor Wat International film festival 2015’ and ‘Rafi Peer International Film Festival 2014’ (RPIFF)’ in Lahore, ‘4th Athens International Digital Film Festival’ (AIDFF) in 2014 in Greece.