Renowned young film director Rubaiyat Hossain, who received immense praise and acclaim for her films ‘Meherjaan’ and more recently ‘Under Construction’, was honoured by the Musée Guimet (The Guimet Museum) in Paris for showcasing her film ‘Under Construction’. Musée Guimet honours the great discoverer of Asian cultures and every year they award Prix Emile Guimet to the director of a film which, besides its cinematic qualities, brings a remarkable cultural perspective on Asia. This year the award was given to Rubaiyat Hossain’s ‘Under Construction’ at the festival international des cinémas d’Asie de Vesoul. Established in 1879, the Guimet Museum has one of the largest collections of Asian art outside Asia. Also, Bangladesh Mahila Parishad (BMP) honoured 28 women for their outstanding contributions to the respective fields. Among them, Rubaiyat Hossain was also honoured for known ‘Meherjaan’ and ‘Under Construction’.
Emeritus Professor of Dhaka University Anisuzzaman handed over certificates and crests in a program at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, marking the 46th founding anniversary of BMP. Rubaiyat Hossain could not attend the even as she was out of the country. However, she has conveyed her appreciation “I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Mahila Parishad for giving me the award for achievement in filmmaking as a woman. Mahila Parishad is one of the oldest and most leading women’s rights organizations in Bangladesh, and as I identify myself as a feminist, it is a great honour and pleasure to be recognized and appreciate from Mahila Parishad. This would encourage me to continue further on my journey in filmmaking as a woman.” Rubaiyat is now working on script development for her next film, which would be a Bangladesh-France co-production.