Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu yesterday said village police were friends of the people. He felt that it was important that their perks be enhanced to increase social security, reports BSS. The minister was speaking at a grand rally organised by the village police at the Central Shaheed Minar. He said the force played a significant role in protecting rural infrastructure during the infamous petrol bomb anarchy let loose by the BNP. The meeting was also addressed by state minister for finance and planning Dr MA Mannan and leaders of the village police. Both Inu and Mannan expressed solidarity with the demands of the village police and said they would take up the matter with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Inu also recalled that the pay of the village police had been increased during the tenure of the present government. The village police were basically demanding that their pay be incorporated into the national pay structure and that they be placed in the fourth grade.