Two housewives were killed allegedly by their husbands for dowry in Panchagarh and Jessore on Friday night. In Panchagarh, a housewife identified as Mala Akter, 22, was killed at Gopapara village in Sadar upazila. Police said Mala was married with Dulal a few days ago. On Friday night, Dulal and his mother mercilessly tortured Mala, leaving her dead on the spot. Police sent the body to hospital morgue. Victim’s uncle Ibrahim claimed that Mala was killed by her husband and his family members. He filed a case in this connection. In Jessore, a housewife identified as Nurjahan Akter, 32, wife of Salim Morol, of Dhopadhi village in Abhaynagar upazila, was beaten to death by her husband. Police said Nurjahan was married off to Salim about 15 years ago. Hamidur Rahman, brother of Nurjahan, said he gave Salim money and land, but still could not satisfy the greedy man. He had again demanded Tk20,000 as dowry. As Nurjahan refused to give the money Salim beat her to death.