POST TIME: 4 April, 2016 00:00 00 AM
Absence of headmasters
Education being hampered

Education being hampered

At least 30 government primary schools in Sakhipur upazila  have no headmasters hampering education of children. Besides, headmasters of 10 such other schools will go into retirement shortlyGuardians, school management committee members and teachers said immediate appointment of headmasters is necessary for smooth running of the institutions. According to sources at upazila education office, there 141 primary schools in Sakhipur upazila and 66 of them have been registered as government primary schools. There has not been any fresh appointment of headmasters since 2009.  President of Sakhipur Primary Teachers Association Abdus Satter said posts of headmaster and assistant teachers have been lying for a long time.
Sources said one third of the schools are running with three teachers. One of them is performing duty as headmaster. Only two teachers are taking classes. Imparting lessons are being hampered to a large extent. Sanower Hossain, headmaster of Nehalichala Government Primary School, said they have to go to the upazila office to attend meetings several days in a week in addition to routine duty at school. Six classes, including pre-primary lessons, are being taken by the two teachers.
Chairman of Hamidpur Government Primary School managing committee Abul Hosain said there are 281 students in the school. Assistant teacher Omer Gani is acting headmaster there. Only two teachers cannot run the school, he said. Rousonara Begum, a guardian of a student at Hatkura Government primary School, said education of the students has been badly affected by shortage of headmasters and teachers. Aminul Hoque Upazila Primary Education Officer said they have prepared a list of the vacant posts of the headmasters and assistant teachers and sent to the higher authorities for necessary action.