Two ancient swords have been stolen from poet Rabindranath Tagore’s historic Shilaidaha Kuthibari in Kumarkhali upazila of Kushtia, reports UNB. Kuthibari is the place where Rabindranath Tagore lived a part of his life and composed some of his memorable poems while living here. A source at the Kuthibari said the two swords were stolen sometime on Wednesday night. The authorities said they sealed off the first gate of the building counting all the archaeological artifacts after all the visitors left Kuthibari on Wednesday evening. On Thursday morning, employees noticed that two rare swords were missing in a showcase of a room before the main gate was opened for the visitors. Kuthibari custodian Mokhlesur Rahman lodged a general diary with Kumarkhali Police Station on Thursday in this connection. Mokhlesur, however, could not be contacted over his mobile phone despite repeated attempts.
Wishing anonymity, an employee blamed the negligence of the custodian for the burglary. Contacted, officer-in-charge of Kumarkhali Police Station Ziaur Rahman said a GD was filed over the incident. “We’re looking into the matter.” Archaeological department regional director Afroza Khan Mita said they will form a panel to investigate the incident.