POST TIME: 17 June, 2015 00:00 00 AM
A madrassa in bad condition
Our Correspondent

A madrassa in bad condition

Gabshara Dakhil Madrassa in Bhuapur upazila, shifted thrice in its lifetime to escape from erosion by the Jamuna River, is now in bad shape. Abdur Razzaque Mia, joint secretary of Bhuapur Upazila AL and assistant teacher of the madrassa, said the institution topped among 22 others in the upazila with all those students appeared in Dakhil examination in 2015 coming out successful. The madrasa, built more than 25 years ago, has now about 400 students. It has now been relocated at a place near Gabsara Ashrayan Project. Mojibor Rahman and Noor Hossain of the village donated land for the madrassa. Madrasa authorities said the 60-feet corrugated tin shed is inadequate for such a number of students. There is no necessary number of benches forcing many students to attend classes sitting on mat. Anowar Hossain Talukder, chairman of the madrassa managing committee, said the madrassa  is running in financial constraints. It receives only one lakh taka from Upazila Parisad. Khondoker Asaduzzaman, the local PM, had arranged earth filling during construction of the madrassa  at the new location.  But it now needs at least 50 pairs of bench, boundary wall, water supply for pure drinking water, urinals and latrines.  Anowar Hossain regretted that although the madrassa shows good results in examinations it fails to attract attention of the authorities for its remoteness.He demands all out cooperation and monetary help from the concerned authorities.