Foreign minister for improved connectivity in region
Observing that connectivity is the buzzword for regional and sub-regional cooperation these days, Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali yesterday laid emphasis on both physical and people-to-people connectivity, reports UNB. “While we’re focusing on enhancing physical connectivity across the region, we’re also working in building connectivity among our peoples. One of the most dynamic agents and beneficiaries of such connectivity can be our business people,” he said.
The Foreign Minister made the remark at the National Seminar on “Promoting Women Entrepreneurship through Improving Regional Cooperation” at BRAC Centre Inn. BWCCI president Selima Ahmad, FBCCI president Abdul Matlub Ahmad, Country Representative of Asia Foundation Hasan Mazumdar also spoke on the occasion.
The Foreign Minister said the gender dimension has to be brought in for equal opportunity. “I commend BWCCI for its affiliation with the ECOSOC (Economic and Social Commission) under the UN which even FBCCI does not have.”
After being established in 2001, BWCCI today has 4,000 members and connected to 10,000 affiliates. AH Mahmood Ali urged BWCCI to actively explore ways to promote women’s participation in the border haats that remain operational along borders.
The overriding challenge faced by women entrepreneurs with access to business finances should particularly be pronounced for those operating at the borders, he said.
The importance of cross-border linkages in this case need not be over-emphasised, he added. BWCCI has shown the foresight to build robust and functional partnerships with their counterparts in the neighbouring countries.
During the last Saarc Summit held in November 2014, the South Asian Women Development Forum (SAWDF) was granted the status of a Saarc-recognised body.
The Foreign Minister said BWCCI should continue to leverage on such forums and partnerships to collectively tap into the existing regional and international funding mechanisms for mobilizing finances for women entrepreneurs.
The micro- and small women entrepreneurs of Bangladesh continue to work as a formidable force in our strides in poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment and combating extremist forces.