Supply of fish drops in markets
Supply of fish in the local markets has fallen sharply as the fishermen are returning with little catches from Meghna and Tetulia rivers. This comes as a blow to both the fishermen, who maintain livelihood by selling fish, and the consumers, who has to eat fish to meet protein requirement. The prices of fish have soared in the local markets due to short supply. Nurul Islam Majhi, a fisherman of Ilisha and Siddque Majhi of Daulatkhan fish terminal said they each spend Tk 5,000 a day for sailing into the river for catching fish. “But we return home with a catch worth only Tk 2,000 to Tk3,000 a day,” one said. They have expressed their concern about their future as they are preparing to buy new nets and repair trawlers for catching fish by borrowing lakhs of taka from lenders at high rate of interest. Abul Hajari, a hilsha fish trader at Gazipur fish terminal, said traders are worried about their investment as there is not sufficient fish coming to shore at this moment.